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Showing List for: Income Tax


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 HB1333 Revenue and taxation; Senior Service Corps Act of 2023; income tax; Oklahoma adjusted gross income; exemption; school support services; wages; withholding tax; effective date.       REF TO ED (S)

 HB1375 Revenue and taxation; income tax; Oklahoma taxable income; apportionment factors; elections; definitions; effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (S)

 HB1442 Revenue and taxation; state licenses; providing for garnishment of wages; removing penalty for failure to pay licensing fees; effective date.       REC CR DP AP-NATUR (H)

 HB1453 Revenue and taxation; income tax credit; state and local sales tax rate differential; cell phones; trade-in or rebate amounts; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB1645 Revenue and taxation; income tax; taxable income; business entities; sales factor; effective date.       REF TO APPR (S)

 HB1906 Revenue and taxation; income tax information; tax benefits; disclosure; confidentiality; effective date.       REF TO AP-FIN (H)

 HB1953 Revenue and taxation; income tax; income tax rates; effective date.       REF TO RULES (S)

 HB1954 Revenue and taxation; income tax rates; effective date.       REF TO RULES (S)

 HB1964 Revenue and taxation; medical research activities; income tax credit; vision services; effective date.       REF TO APPR (S)

 HB1991 Revenue and taxation; income tax credit; apprenticeships; effective date.       REF TO AP-FIN (H)

 HB2020 Revenue and taxation; income tax adjustments; retirement benefits; effective date.       REF TO APPR (S)

 HB2021 Revenue and taxation; income tax; rates; brackets; effective date.       REF TO AP-FIN (H)

 HB2025 Revenue and taxation; Oklahoma adjusted gross income; itemized deductions; effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 HB2028 Revenue and taxation; income tax; standard deduction; Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2087 Revenue and taxation; income tax rates; revenue conditions; rate reduction; computation of revenue; procedures; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2098 Revenue and taxation; Oklahoma taxable income and adjusted gross income; deduction; sale proceeds; real estate transactions; limitations; effective date.       REF TO FIN (S)

 HB2101 Revenue and taxation; Oklahoma adjusted gross income and taxable income; Section 280E of Internal Revenue Code; effective date.       REF TO AP-FIN (H)

 HB2138 Revenue and taxation; income tax exemption; qualifying employment; effective date.       REC CR DP AP-FIN (H)

 HB2285 Revenue and taxation; income tax rates; revenue determinations; State Board of Equalization; comparisons; rate reductions; standard deductions; effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (S)

 HB2292 Revenue and taxation; income tax credit; meat processing; definitions; credit amount; refundability; carryover; effective date.       REF TO FIN (S)

 HB2451 Revenue and taxation; income tax credit; qualified employer child care expense; definitions; carryover; fiscal year cap; child care workers; income tax credit; refundability; sunset; effective date.       REF TO APPR (S)

 HB2508 Revenue and taxation; income tax; apportionment; County Community Safety Investment Fund; Rural Economic Action Plan; Rural Economic Action Plan Supplemental Revenue Revolving Fund; effective date; emergency.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2620 Revenue and taxation; income tax rates; standard deductions; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2697 Revenue and taxation; income tax; rates; brackets; effective date.       REF TO APPR (S)

 HB2699 Revenue and taxation; Oklahoma Flat Income Tax Rate Study Act of 2023; effective date.       REF TO AP-FIN (H)

 HB2707 Revenue and taxation; Oklahoma Income Tax Review and Amendments Act of 2023; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2745 Revenue and taxation; income tax; taxable income; deduction; wages; qualifying employers; qualifying employees; effective date.       REF TO APPROP (H)

 HB2769 Revenue and taxation; earned income tax credit; effective date.       REF TO AP-FIN (H)

 HB2948 Revenue and taxation; income tax; corporations; deductions; effective date.       REF TO RULES (S)

 HB2949 Revenue and taxation; income tax rates for individuals and other entities; modifying tax rate; reduction; tax collections; further reductions using prescribed formula; effective dates.       REF TO RULES (S)

 HB2950 Revenue and taxation; income tax rates for individuals and other entities; modifying rate for designated tax year; reductions; tax collections; effective date.       REF TO RULES (S)

 HB2951 Revenue and taxation; individual income tax; tax rates; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2952 Revenue and taxation; individual income tax; tax rates; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3058 Revenue and taxation; individual income tax; rates; effective date.       REF TO AP-FIN (H)

 HB3427 Sales tax; providing exemptions for firearm and gun safety devices; effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (S)

 HB3506 Revenue and taxation; Oklahoma taxable income and adjusted gross income; retirement income; effective date.       REF TO AP-FIN (H)

 HB3559 Revenue and taxation; Pass-Through Entity Tax Act; election; income tax returns; effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HB3674 Revenue and taxation; individual income tax; rates; State Board of Equalization; revenue computations; reductions; threshold tax rate; further reductions; effective date.       REC CR DP AP-FIN (H)

 HB4038 Revenue and taxation; income tax credit; manufacturing employer and employee; effective date.       REF TO FIN (S)

 HB4062 Revenue and taxation; tax credits; loan guarantee program fees; effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HB4147 Revenue and taxation; income tax credit; childcare; employer; qualified childcare worker; effective date.       CONF GRANTED/GCCA (S)

 SB1063 Income tax; providing credit for providing certain child care services. Effective date.       DIED IN CONFERENCE

 SB1071 Income tax; providing tax credit for purchase of firearm safety device. Effective date.       CCR READ (S)

 SB1083 Income tax credit; providing credit for school choice expenditures and home school expenditures. Effective date.       REF TO RULES (S)

 SB1249 Income tax; eliminating limit on itemized deductions for certain tax years. Effective date.       REF TO RULES (S)

 SB1250 Income tax; modifying rate for certain tax years. Effective date.       REF TO RULES (S)

 SB1251 Income tax; modifying income limit to qualify for property tax relief credit. Effective date.       REF TO FIN (S)

 SB1263 Income tax; modifying rate for certain tax years. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO RULES (S)

 SB1298 Income Tax; modifying the personal income tax rate and the standard deduction amount. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO RULES (S)

 SB1401 Income tax; modifying eligibility for income tax credit; modifying projects allowed for qualified initial infrastructure expenditures. Effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 SB1405 Income tax credit; adding contributions to higher education institutions for eligibility for tax credit pursuant to the Oklahoma Equal Opportunity Education Scholarship Act; providing procedures. Effective date.       REF TO ED (S)

 SB1415 Tax procedure; creating the First Time Abatement Program; authorizing waiver of penalty and interest due on tax returns for eligible taxpayers; specifying eligibility; limiting waiver amount. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB1426 Income tax credit; extending time for claiming tax credit for construction of energy efficient property. Requiring property to be completed in same year as credit is claimed. Effective date.       REF TO FIN (S)

 SB1446 Income tax credit; authorizing credit for individuals who conduct a preceptorship rotation. Effective date.       REF TO FIN (S)

 SB1451 Income tax credit; providing for tax credit for percentage of court costs paid by residents with certain adjusted gross incomes. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (S)

 SB1482 Income tax credit; providing rebate tax credit upon certain revenue growth certification by State Board of Equalization. Effective date.       REF TO RULES (S)

 SB1490 Income tax; modifying definition; clarifying time period for claiming an income tax credit for a qualified employee in the aerospace sector. Effective date.       IN CONFERENCE

 SB1496 Income tax; providing an income tax credit for eligible expenses incurred for a child care business; defining expenses; providing credit amount; authorizing carry forward of credit. Effective date.       REF TO FIN (S)

 SB1497 Income tax; modifying income tax credit for donations to certain research institutes. Effective date.       HA'S READ (S)

 SB1500 Income tax; excluding certain compensation to certain nonresidents. Effective date.       REF TO FIN (S)

 SB1504 Income tax; income tax credit for preceptorship rotation; creating and specifying sources of funds; providing for transfer of monies to Oklahoma Tax Commission; authorizing administrative expenditures. Effective date. Emergency.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB1508 Income tax; allowing income tax deduction for gains related to sale of gold and silver. Effective date.       REF TO FIN (S)

 SB2014 Income tax; requiring the addition to Oklahoma taxable and adjusted gross income the loss or deduction allowed by certain federal law. Effective date.       REF TO FIN (S)

 SB2031 Income tax; modifying income tax rate. Effective date.       REF TO RULES (S)

 SB207 Income tax incentives; limiting certain credit and exemption to certain tax years. Effective date.       REF TO FIN (S)

 SB210 Income tax; credits; North American Industry Classification System; formula. Effective date.       CONFEREES DISAGREE (S)

 SB305 Income tax credit; limiting certain credit for investment in depreciable property to certain years. Effective date.       REF TO FIN (S)

 SB306 Income tax credit; providing credit for the purchase of an e-bike. Effective date.       REF TO FIN (S)

 SB307 Income tax; modifying calculation of the Oklahoma earned income tax credit. Effective date.       REF TO FIN (S)

 SB312 Income tax; providing credit for certain renters. Effective date.       REF TO FIN (S)

 SB315 Income tax credit; limiting certain credit for investment in depreciable property to certain years. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (S)

 SB319 Income tax; modifying certain brackets and rates. Effective date.       REF TO FIN (S)

 SB337 Small business incubators; requiring period of tenant occupancy to receive tax exemption; requiring certain information. Effective date.       HA'S READ (S)

 SB378 Income tax; modifying certain definition pertaining to the deduction for qualified equity investment; records; report; filing fee. Effective date.       HA'S READ (S)

 SB384 Income tax; providing deduction for certain wages paid during the use of certain family medical leave. Effective date.       REF TO FIN (S)

 SB386 Income tax credit; providing credit for certain purchases of naloxone. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (S)

 SB578 Income tax; providing credit for certain qualified software employers and employees. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (S)

 SB584 Tax Compliance; repealing provision to prohibit renewal of occupational license of noncompliant taxpayer. Effective date.       REF TO FIN (S)

 SB586 Income tax credit; providing credit for investments in qualified clean-burning motor vehicle fuel property; requiring registration of vehicle in this state to qualify for credit. Effective date.       REF TO AP-FIN (H)

 SB626 Income tax; exempting gambling losses from limitation on itemized deductions. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (S)

 SB815 Income tax credit; requiring the Oklahoma Tax Commission to verify if certain credit has been claimed for motor vehicle. Effective date.       REF TO FIN (S)

 SB971 Income tax; providing credit for certain school choice and qualifying educational expenses. Effective date.       REF TO FIN (S)

 SB990 Family leave benefits; creating the Oklahoma Paid Family Leave Program; authorizing certain pay for family leave based upon certain contributions by employer and employee. Effective date.       REF TO BUS (S)

 SB998 Income tax; providing credit toward home purchase expenditures for members of the Oklahoma National Guard. Effective date.       REF TO FIN (S)

Address: 2300 N Lincoln Blvd., State Capitol Building, Oklahoma City, OK 73105