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Showing List for: Wind


Short Title

Last Action

 HB1093 Wind energy facilities; requiring wind energy facilities lease and distribute royalties equally to certain landowners; effective date.       REF TO ENERGY (H)

 HB1156 Wind energy facilities; prohibiting construction of wind energy facilities within certain distance of adjacent properties; effective date.       REF TO ENERGY (H)

 HB1263 Wind energy facilities; requiring Oklahoma Water Resource Board conduct certain study; effective date.       REF TO ENERGY (H)

 HB1450 Renewable energy facilities; placing a moratorium on construction or expansion of certain wind and solar energy facilities in this state; emergency.       REF TO ENERGY (H)

 HB1989 Wind farms; modifying date; modifying list of setbacks; effective date.       REF TO ENERGY (H)

 HB2074 Utilities; repealing sections; effective date.       REF TO ENERGY (H)

 HB2142 Oklahoma National Guard; Oklahoma National Guard Wind Energy Policy Act of 2025; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HJR1003 Oklahoma Constitution; eminent domain; wind energy projects; ballot title; filing.       REF TO RULES (H)

 SB1012 Oklahoma Wind Energy Development Act; establishing waiver process for certain setback provisions. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO ENER (S)

 SB1026 Wind energy facilities; providing setback requirements for wind towers; establishing decibel limits for nonparticipating properties. Emergency.       REF TO ENER (S)

 SB2 Wind energy facilities; providing setback requirements for wind towers. Emergency.       REF TO ENER (S)

 SB239 Income tax; limiting credit allowance for zero-emission facilities to certain tax years; limiting carry forward of credit. Effective date.       REF TO REVTAX (S)

 SB429 Wind energy facilities; providing setback requirements for wind towers from certain dwellings and property boundaries. Emergency.       REF TO ENER (S)

 SB713 Wind energy facilities; requiring newly-established facilities to apply for certain technology system by certain date; providing for certain cost recovery. Effective date.       REF TO ENER (S)

Address: 2300 N Lincoln Blvd., State Capitol Building, Oklahoma City, OK 73105